Students should obtain leave of absence; in case they are unable to attend classes due to unavoidable circumstances.
Students with less than 75% of attendance in both theory and practical classes will not be permitted to take-up their examination.
College property should be handled with care, Failure of which, is susceptible to heavy penalty.
Students must spend their free time usefully in the campus, in the library. They must not leave the campus until the last bell for the day.
All tests and examinations must necessarily be taken-up by the students. Students should carry their identity card and produce it on demand, by the college staff.
It is mandatory for students to wear uniform on all days.
Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited.
Students must regularly see the notice board for important announcements. They will not be excused on the ground of ignorance about it.
Ragging is strictly prohibited in the campus and will be dealt with severely.
Harassment – verbal, physical, emotional and sexual will not be tolerated and will be strictly dealt with.